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Victims Overcoming Incest Courageously Emerging Strong

Created for Adult Survivors of Incest

"He gives power to the faint; and to them who have no might; He increases their strength." - Isaiah 40:31

Our Mission

Courageous Victors is a nonprofit charitable organization created to give victims of incest a VOICE. We provide a warm, inviting, safe, and private space for survivors to be seen, heard, and believed, possibly for the very first time. We are committed to creating a world where every victim of incest is acknowledged, fostering a community of empowered individuals who support one another on their healing journey.

Courageous Victors gives a voice to adults 18 years of age and older who have been sexually abused through incest. We offer group support and counseling to adults through a comprehensive program that addresses the unique needs of incest survivors, regardless of gender, race, color, or economic background. At Courageous Victors, mutual respect and confidentiality is paramount in providing a safe space for survivors to engage in unity to powerfully emerge courageous and strong.

Mission Statement

To offer the love of God to all who suffer in shame, silence, guilt, and secrecy, due to incest and sexual abuse, by giving them back their voices. To empower survivors with truth, provide comfort, and healing; to break generational and societal stigmas associated with the secrecy of abuse. To assist overcomers in discovering their God-given identity, self-esteem, and purpose through their journey of healing.

We Believe

We believe that given the chance to be heard, the healing process begins. We believe that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Therefore, denying the tongue the opportunity to speak the truth, breeds death. We believe giving the tongue a chance to speak the truth, creates life and cultivates healing. We believe that the secrecy behind incest is its own societal and generational breeding ground, allowing it to fester and thrive. We believe a safe, confidential community of peers promotes encouragement, healing, and growth.

Our Definition of Incest

We believe that incest is the unsolicited sexual abuse of a child, by a close family member, extended family member, and/or close friend of the family. They are our neighbors, teachers, coaches, and clergy members. They are individuals entrusted with the care of a child, or whom the child trusts, who have betrayed and stolen their innocence, through sexual assault.

Incest is the sexual abuse, sexual assault, or sexual encounter with a child, adolescent, or young adult, to include any physical or verbal behavior that leaves them physically, emotionally, and/or mentally damaged. Incest includes a wide range of physical and verbal abuse and does not have to include penetration to be defined as incest.

The abuse may happen repeatedly, or only one time; regardless, the damage is immediate. Incest has a lasting effect on everyone involved, from the minute it begins. This adverse effect can last for a lifetime, if not acknowledged and given the opportunity to heal. Courageous Victors is a place where healing begins.

About Us

At Courageous Victors, we believe that the healing process begins when survivors are given the chance to be heard and to find community. Incest thrives in secrecy and silence, inflicting deep emotional and psychological wounds that many times leave victims feeling isolated, abandoned, shamed, guilty, and broken.

We are committed to creating a world where every survivor is seen, heard, and believed, promoting a community of empowered individuals who can support one another on their healing journeys.

Currently, we offer group support and counseling to women. Our goal is to create a comprehensive program that addresses the unique needs of all survivors, regardless of gender, race, color, or economic background.

Our Services

Courageous Victors offers compassionate support, guiding adult survivors 18 years and older on their journey towards the healing process associated with their trauma and shame. Our goal is to encourage a life of mental, emotional, and spiritual wholeness.

We provide a seven-step group support program where survivors gain support in community. This is accomplished through: personal assessment interviews, group support settings, and individual consultations. All participation is on a voluntary basis. Outside professional counseling referrals are recommended as needed. Confidentiality is a necessity.

  • Personal Assessment Interviews: We begin with one-on-one assessment interviews to understand each client’s unique experiences and needs before they move to a group setting.
  • Group Support Meetings: Our supportive group sessions encourage sharing and connection among peers, fostering a sense of community.
  • Individual Consultations: Tailored consultations are provided on an as-needed basis.

Meet the Founder

By the grace of God, I am an incest survivor, and one day someone heard my voice and listened to my story. That day I told my story to a perfect stranger and left feeling and knowing that someone not only heard me, but they shared a very similar experience. I learned that I was not alone. This began my long journey towards healing.

Over the years, I made it my priority to tell as many strangers my story as I could. I found that nearly everyone I spoke with had a similar experience, or they knew someone who had. Each time I shared my story, I felt better and lighter. Eventually, I had the courage to get the counseling I needed. The truth is, I never forgot how much telling my story in community meant to my healing.

Through my journey of healing, I’ve learned that I am ‘no longer a victim, I am a victor.’ I am passionate about helping others have the same opportunity I had. This calling led me to establish Courageous Victors, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a voice to adult survivors of incest. I am on a mission to transform personal pain into a beacon of hope for others, breaking the cycle of abuse from generation to generation.